A brand new me

“Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!”

Well well well…

Trauma Queen decided to revamp this blog and I mean revamp it completely – by ditching blogspot and switching loyalties.


  • Because the past 5 years of my life have been chronicled here – making it a little ‘too’ public despite being careful about not revealing my name and other details.
  • Because a few office creeps continue to keep tabs on my blog and my life…not good at all.
  • Because I really love blogpsot and the number of features it offers, but sadly, the option of getting to password protect posts made me turn to WordPress.
  • Because the idea of getting my readers to rate my posts gives me a true idea of how crappy my writing is…

The template is tacky…the layout is boring..I can’t include music widgets (most annoying)..and the FEW popular posts that would appear in the first page of a Google search.. will now also go…sigh…

But the day Blogger decides to introduce some privacy-rich features – I will be back to my blogspot URL!

Until then – I hope to be pressed for words…..

As regards the password protected posts – mail me or post a comment – and if you’re not an ex office creep – it will be given to you 🙂

10 Responses to “A brand new me”

  1. Mr WordPress Says:

    Hi, this is a comment.
    To delete a comment, just log in, and view the posts’ comments, there you will have the option to edit or delete them.

  2. Aunty Helpful Dictator Says:

    howeya! as we say where I’m from… count me in!

  3. docgrumbles Says:

    yep, I miss some things about Blogger but I cherish the option to password protect the occasional post!

    Updated my blogroll!

  4. rads Says:

    ha! I was lured to wp saying it was better than blogger. I donno, each have their own nicer features I guess…
    Play with the layout. I honestly feel blogger gives you more freedom than wp, but hopefully you’re a lot more tech savvy than I am!

    Happy moving in 🙂

  5. popsie Says:

    Welcome to WordPress! Both Blogger and WP there have own pros n cons. Guess it’s about getting used to either of em.

    Btw I don’t see ‘The Jaunty Albatross’ added to your blog roll. Don’t forget to add it: http://www.thejauntyalbatross.wordpress.com

  6. TerraShield Says:

    Count me in… I think you sent me a mail before for your old blog, so you know my addy.

  7. Onely Says:

    Onely uses WordPress and I’ve always found it very user-friendly and classy. I really haven’t liked Blogspot much when I’ve visited other blogs who use it–but I have never actually had a blog on Blogspot myself.

    I think WordPress will grow on you. = )

  8. Epiphany Says:

    Hey…nice to see you back 🙂

    BTW thanks for your comment…I hadn’t written for some time and got typing again after your comment…

  9. Canary Says:

    Hello there!
    Thank you for inviting me over to your blog but I am disheartened to see that most of the posts are password protected 😦 How am I ever gonna read them? boo-hoo-hoo
    And yes, I agree, blogging has been taking a back seat as in your case… bad bad bad

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